Screen Printing Exposure SAATIprint 21 Step Sensitivity Guide


Achieve Accurate and Consistent Screen Printing Exposure

  • This Screen Printing Exposure 21 Step Sensitivity Guide is an all-purpose precision exposure guide that can be used on all stencil types.
  • It helps you determine and standardize proper exposure quickly and accurately, allowing you to achieve consistent results every time you print.
  • Whether you're a beginner or an experienced screen printer, this guide is an essential tool to have in your kit.

Easy to Use and Understand Screen Printing Exposure

  • The guide features a clear and easy-to-read 21-step scale that enables you to determine the optimal exposure time for your stencil.
  • It also includes detailed instructions on how to use the guide and how to interpret the results.
  • With this guide, you can easily achieve the perfect exposure time for your stencil, ensuring that your prints are sharp, clear, and long-lasting.

Save Time and Money

  • By using this Screen Printing Exposure 21 Step Sensitivity Guide, you can save time and money by avoiding under or overexposure of your stencil.
  • Underexposure leads to weak stencils that break down quickly, while overexposure results in stencils that are difficult to wash out and may cause image loss.
  • By getting the exposure time right every time, you can minimize the risk of costly mistakes and increase your productivity and profitability.

[caption id="attachment_19427" align="alignnone" width="1597"]Screen printing exposure guide Saati Print 21 Step Sensitivity Guide[/caption]

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